We are a friendly community of people learning to follow the way of Jesus, in Westport, New Zealand. We don't always get it right, but we know that God is greater than our mistakes and failures. We believe God works powerfully through his written Word in the Bible and through his Holy Spirit, at work in the lives of all who put their trust in him. We love seeing people's faith grow from the smallest of seeds into something beautiful. Our church is led by Matt Watts, who together with his wife Jacqui and 3 children joined us in January 2019. Matt previously led a church in northwest Christchurch. We are part of the wider Buller Anglican Parish, which includes St Peter's Church in Granity and Holy Trinity in Karamea. |
LocationSt John's Anglican Church
67 Queen Street (corner with Lyndhurst St, opposite children's playground) Westport 7825 New Zealand |